List of Tamil words in Swahili language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Swahili language
Dr.Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD;DPM;
Swahili, also known by its native name Kiswahili, is a Bantu language and the native language of the Swahili people. It is one of two official languages (the other being English) of the East African Community (EAC) countries, namely Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. It is a lingua franca of other areas in the African Great Lakes region and East and Southern Africa, including some parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Malawi, Mozambique, the southern tip of Somalia, and Zambia. Swahili is also one of the working languages of the African Union and of the Southern African Development Community. The number of Swahili speakers, be they native or second-language speakers, is estimated to be approximately 200 million.
Swahili developed historically by borrowing a number of words from foreign languages, particularly administrative terms from Arabic, but also words from Portuguese, Hindi and German. In relatively more recent times, Swahili has borrowed the most from English. Yet sixteen to twenty percent of the Swahili vocabulary are Arabic loanwords, including the name of the language (????????? sawa?ili, a plural adjectival form of an Arabic word meaning 'of the coast'). The loanwords date from the contacts of Arabian traders with the Bantu inhabitants of the east coast of Africa over the last couple of centuries, which was also when Swahili emerged as a lingua franca.
In 2018, South Africa legalized the teaching of Swahili in schools as an optional subject to begin in 2020. Botswana followed in 2020, and Namibia plans to introduce the language as well. Shikomor (or Comorian), an official language in Comoros and also spoken in Mayotte (Shimaore), is closely related to Swahili and is sometimes considered a dialect of Swahili, although other authorities consider it a distinct language.

Clues to read Swahili words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Japanese word, a Tamil word can be derived.
Ref; A Standard Swahili -English Dictionary
founded on Madan’s Swahili - English Dictionary
English – Swahili- Tamil
*1.expression of pain -A-aa- Aaa
2.ever/ always- abadi –eppoathum
*3.serve- abudu –poadu
4.predict- agua- kani ; uookika.
* aidha- aduththu ; aduththathu .
6.finish-akidi -kedi / finished
*7.invite/call- alika- azhaikka
8.intend/desire - ania- ennam / soil- ardhi- tharai ; letters are in reversed order ;earth [E] = tharai ;letters are in reversed order.
10. inform- ardhia /ardhiwa[ PS] -ariviththidu ; letters are jumbled.
*11, inform – aridhika [St] – ariviththiduka
*12.crack- atua- udaiya / to get cracked
*13.otherwise- aula- illaiyael
14.after/ afterwards- baada- pinnaadi
*15.father- baba- appa
16.ancestor/ patron/ guardian - baba- mooppan/ elder
*17.divide off- bagua- paku /divide
18.sailing vessel- bagala - kalam
*19.fasten on- bandika – pinaiththiduka
*20.prosperity – baraka –perukkam
21.method of plaiting hair- bati – sadai poadu
*22.ringworm on the head -bato – padai /ringworm
*23.women – binti –pendu
*24.boast- bodoa- peeththu
*25.beat /strike- buta- poattu adi /adi poadu ; beat [E] = poattu adi ; adi- beat
*26.dumbness- bubu – bae bae / descriptive term for dumbness
27.frighten away /scare-bumburuka – paem uruththuka
*28.forgive- buraa- poru /bear
*29.small box- bweta- petti
*30.fear- uchaji- achcham
31.collect together/ mix - changa – saekka
32.make a sizzling sound/ termites-– chata –oasai idu /to make noise; oasai- noise; idu- make.
33.the day on which a market is held- chete; santhai thinam ;thinam- day ; santhai- market .
34.the place in which a market is held- chete – santhai/ market
*35.earthenware vessel- chetezo- satti /pot
36.ticket/note- chit- yaedu ; seettu . dice- dadu – aattam/ game; soothu aattam /dice; aadidu / to play.
*38.tambourine- dafi- thappu
39.always- daima- eppoathum
40.catch/ seize- daka- pidikka
*41.touch- dara- thoduthar
42.catch- dara- pidiththar
*43.recess- daka- idukku
*44.protest- udaku –ethukka
* dalali- idai aal/ middle man; idai- middle; aal- person.
46.native boat- dau – thoani
*47.take off- deua- edu
*48.humbled/ low- dhalili- thaazhmai
49.think- dhani- ennidu ; letters are in reversed order.
*50.narrowness- dhiki -odukkam
51.tightness- dhiki - pidikka
52.distress- dhiki - odukkam
*53.confinement- dhiki – adaikka
*54.sharpen- dira- theettuthar
*55.a vessel- dila- thaali
56.a landing place- dika- adaika/ to land
*57.prayer- dua- thuthi /to pray -duka- kadai ; letters are in reversed order.
* /world- dunia- thinai
*60.die- poa- poa/to go
*61.profit- faida- payan paadu
62.get profit- faidi – payan adaiya ; payan- profit; adaiya- attain .
63.beggar- fakiri – pichchai-k- kaarar ; yaasikkiravar .
* farasi – pari
*65.tie up- funda- pinaiththidu
*66.bind- funga- pinaikka
*67.tie up- fundika- pinaiththiduka
*68.prepare the hair for plaiting- fundika- pinniduka/ plait
*69.portion/ share- fungu – pankku
70.wipe -futa- thudai
71.foot / measure- futi--adi; paatham/ foot.
72.embrace closely- ganda- katti anaiththidu; letters are jumbled.
*73.any vehicle on wheels- gari - kaar/car;kar- wheel/ leg.
* /tip cat- geli – killi ; gilli .
*75.anger- ghaidhi – kaattam
*76.anger- ghadhabu - kothippu ; kaduppu .
77.enraged- ghadhabika- vaeka paduka;’ ka= va; va= ka. room- gala- kalanjiyam
*79.young male / youth- gulamu – kaalai
80.pour liquid- gida- uooththuka /pour; letters are in reversed order.
* balls /for playing- gololi – koli / goali ; root word is koalam- round.
*82.phlegm -gole- koazhai
83.knock – gota – thattuka ;letters are in reversed order.
84.strike- gota- adikka; thaakka; letters are in reversed order.
*85.drumming of an instrument- gota gota- kottu kottu; kottu- a drum; kottu- to beat.
86.blows- mgoto – kuththu
87.pitcher/pot- gudulia –aala kudam ; letters are jumbled; aalam- water; kudam- pot.
*88.awl- gude- kuththu uoosi ; uoosi- needle ; kuththu- pierce .
*89.shout /cry out - guta- kaththu
*90.gore/ ox- guta- kuththa
*91.stump – gutu – kuththi
92.story / tale – hadithi – kathai ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
93.swelling- halulu –uppal
94.anger- hasira- seeru /to get furious
95.fault- hatia- thaa- yaethu ; thattu ; thappu .
96.document- hati – yaedu / book / paper /sheet
* step- hatua- adi edu/ take a step; ad i- foot; edu- take. hedaya- kodai ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
* lost- hiliki - izhakka
*100.ruined /destroyed- hiliki ; azhikka ; ozhikka/ destroy
*101.cardamom-iliki- yaelakkaai jamala –mallal startled- jituka- thidukkida
104.give/ deliver – kaibidhi- koduththidu
*105.lay hands on- kaibidhi- kai poadu ; kai- hand; poadu- put.
*106.seize- kaibidhi- kai paththu ; kai- hand.
107.take in the hand- kaibidhi- kaiyil pidi / edu ;kai- hand ;edu- take; pidi- hold/ take
108.close fisted/ miserly- kabidhi- kai ketti ; kai- hand; ketti- tight .
*109.small/ tiny – kadogo – kuttiyaaka
*110.small- katiti- kutti
*111.elder brother- kaka- kaakkaiyan
*112.consider/ to form an opinion- kadiri -karuthu ; letters are jumbled.
*113.feel pain /ache -kakat- - kuththa ; kudaiya .
114.break something hard with teeth-kakatua- kadiththu udai ;kadi- bite; udai- to break
115.pen/ writing - kalamu – maei kole; letters are jumbled; maei- ink; kole- stick.
116.for ever and ever- kale na kale- kaalank-k-aala maa – time immemorial; kaalam- time.
117.former times / in the past / old/ ancient -akale- a-k-kaalam /those time ; kaalam- time .
*118.trouble- kalifu - kuzhappam
119.word – kalima- kuyil
*120.Indian fisherman -kalua- kalavan /Tamil fisherman
121.rope- kamba – akkam
*122.cut- kata- kaathu ; vettu ; ka= va; va= ka.
123.portion- kataa- pakuthi
124.become dry / parched- kauka- kaaya vaikka /to make dry ;ka= va; va= ka.
125.murderous person – katili- kaathuthal/ to kill; kaathidum aal ; aal- person
*126.cruel man- katili- kodiya aal; kodiya- cruel; aal- person.
127.a procurer/ pimp - kawadi – kootti kodu- to procure; kootti koduppoan /procurer.
128.hiccup – kekevu- vikka; letters are in reversed order. kelb- kukkal/wolf
130.saw into- kereza- arukka; letters are in reversed order.
131.sit down - keti – kunthu
*132.dwell- keti – keda
133.a dwarf- kibeti – kuttai /short; kuttaiyan/ short person.
*134.bunch /cluster of fruits -kichala- kulai ink well /pot- kidau- maei koodu ; maei- ink; koodu- bottle.
*136.grant– kidhi – kodai / grant
*137.give to- kidhi- kodu
138.shouting/ uproar- kelele- koochchal ; kalakam .
139.small cowrie- kete- kavadi ; ka= va; va= ka.
140.cough/ bronchitis – kafua –kaasam; kapam .
*141.cough [ v] – kohoa- kakka /eject out
*142.horror/ fright- kikuli- gili ; kili .
*143.curved sword- kitara- kuththu koadari /dagger ; letters are read more than once.
*144.increase-kithiri – koottuthar of residence of a chief- kiti –kudi/ house
*146.thicket- kituka- kaadu
* house – kodi – kudi kuththakai ; kudi- house; kuththakai- lease.
*148.collect together in a heap- kokoa- kuvikka ; ka= va; va= ka.
*149.branch of a coconut palm – kole- kilai / branch ; kulai- bunch.
*150.smith’s pincers /tool – koleo- kai kole ; kai- hand; kole- tool .
*151.cup- kopo- koappai
*152.snore- koroto –kurattai
153.hook for catching sharks- koto- kodukki / hook
154.dwarf- kundaa- kuttaiyan ; letters are jumbled; kuttai- short.
*155.a small bird/ grey king fisher- kurea- kuri ee / small bird. with – kuta- kandidu
*157.assemble- kutana- koodu
*158.cry and complain of hunger- lalaika- azhuka/ cry
*159.utter a cry- lia- azhu
*160.sound- lia- oli
*161.mother- mama- amma
*162.a turn/a time- mara-murai
*163.rejection- mardudi- maruththidu
*164.death- mauti-madiya/ to die; mouththu [Arabic].
165.ship -merikabu – mara -k -koavai / boat ; maram- wood.
166.shine/ sparkle- meta- minnida
*167.parable/ proverb- mithali – muthu mozhi ; muthu- old; mozhi- saying/ language.
*168.mountain- milima-malai ; maa malai / big mountain ; maa-big; letters are jumbled.
*169.cushion- mto- meththai
* pipe- neli –naali
171.shine /glitter- ngaa- minukka
*172.dress / men – koti / shuka/ shati – kuttai /cloth ; sokkaai / shirt ; sattai- shirt.
*173.dress/ women- shela/ shiti – seelai /cloth ; soodi /cloth .
*174.think of- nia- ennu / to think
175.mind- nia-manam
176.intention- nia-ennam
177.marriage-nikaha-manakka / to get married
178.give out a smell- nuka- manakka
*179.mother-nina-annai ; naani .
*180.what- nini-enna ;nin- your.
* preserve/ rescue- okoka- kaakka
*183.catch /seize- pata- pidi
184.get/ attain- pata- adaiya
* got- patika- pidikka; adaika .
*186.suffer- pata- paadu padu
*187.wrap up- peta- pothi idu ; pothi- bundle; idu- make/ do .
*188.shift / winnow- peta- pudai
*189.go by / pass by – pita- poaeida
** off- pura- para/ to fly
193.thrash- puta- pudai
*194.knock down fruits from the tree by throwing sticks or stones- pura- pari / pluck.
195.pardon- radhi- poruththidu
196.mount/ ride- rakibu - yaeruka
* tear- rarua- aru
198.mercy- rehema- erakkam ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’. patient -saburi- poru
200.patience- sabira- porumai
201.the year- sanati- aandu
*202.sound /noise- sauti- saththam
*203.make a picture- sawiri- varaiya /draw
204.form- sawiri- uru
205.shirt- shata- sattai
206.hear- sikia- kaekka
*207.shake- suka- asaikka ; shake[E] = asaikka . learn- taali - padiththal; oaaththal. look for- tafuta- thaedi paaththidu ;thaedu- search ;paaththidu- see .
210.get by search- tafuta-thaedi adaiya ;thaedi edu ;thaedu- search ;adaiya- attain; edu -take.
*211.lay /eggs- taga- iduka / lay;muttai iduka; muttai- egg.
212.come to an end- tama- mudiya; letters are in reversed order.
213.numerical five- tano- aeinthu ; letters are in reversed order.
*214.small drum- tari- thadaari
*215.kind of dance/ to drive away the sprits- tari- aaduthar /dancing
*216.shaking- tari – athira ;aaduthar .
217.road- tariki –theru koadi ; theru street; koadi corner.
218.messenger- tharishi- thoothar
*219.jaw- taya- thaadai
*220.a kick- teke- uthaikka/ to kick
*221.take- teka- edukka
*222.break down – tekua- udaikka / break thread- teli – udal izhai ; udal- gold; izhai- thread; thaali – marriage thread.
*224.abundance- teli – thazahiya
*225.oppose- teta- ethiththdu
*226.obstruct- teta- thadu
*227.attack- tetea- adiththidu
*228.choose – teua- edu
* teule- eduththal
*230.put- tia- idu
*231.apply- tia- idu
*232.bring to- tia- attu
233.grind finely into a flour-tikita- podi aakkidu ; podi- powder; akkidu- make.
* cut off--tindika thundikka
*235.hit/ beat – titiga- adiththiduka ;adikka ;thaakka.
236.small bundles/ of grass/ fire wood- kitita- kattu/ bundle
*237.give- toa- thaa
238.produce- toa- padai
*239.take out- toa-edu
240.make a hole- toboa- oaattai idu ;oaattai poadu ; letters are jumbled; oaattai- hole; poadu- put/ make.
241.pierce/ the ear- toga- kaathai kuththu ; kuththu- pierce; kaathu- ear ; letters are in reversed order.
*242.a coconut with full of milk – tonga- thaenkkai / coconut
* desert- toroka – thurakka
*244.a kind of mat- tuguu- thadukku
245.happen/ occur- tukia- nadakka
*246.fluttering of the heart tuku tiko – thudikka thudikka
*247.beat – tuta- adiththidu;thattu .
*248.throb- tuta- thudiththida
*249.carry- tuta- ediththidu
250.small drum- tuta- thidum / kettle drum
*251.raise in small swellings /swell - tutuka - thadikka ;pudaiththikka
*252.accept- twaa- oththidu
253.obtain – twaa- adiya
254.the pole which lays on top of the walls of the native house -uati – thadi/ wood
*255.stanza- ubeti – paththi
*256.verse- ubeti –paattu
*257.pain – udhi- thaa
258.trouble- udhi – adu ; ittoaattu .
*259.ilness-uele- oliyal
*260.stiff porridge made of maize/ millet -ugale -kali
*261.coconut leaf- kuti – keeththu
262.manliness- ume- aanmai
*263.join - unga- inaikka
*264.join together- unga- onaa inaikka ; inaikka- to join .
*265.together- unyo- onnaa
*266.tray made of leaves- uteo- thattu / tray
*267.infectiousness- wito- wotta / wottida ;thoththida .
268.odd number- witiri - wottrai enn ;enn- numerical number; ottrai- single.
*269.skilful - weledi –valaimai yoadu /with skill ; vlaimai- skill .
270.count- wanga- ennuka
* put- weka- weikka
*272.child’s nurse -ayah- aayaa
*273.agreeing with- yote- yaeththidu
274.time- zamani –mani
*275.prepare- zatiti – seithidu
*276.beautiful- zuri -saaru ;saar.